Dan Carlin's Hardcore History

Was Alexander the Great as bad a person as Hitler? What was the greatest army of all time? Which U.S. President was the worst? Hardcore History discusses the issues and questions history fans love.

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Saturday Feb 27, 2010

Ferdinand Magellan is the lead character in this episode about the collision between the Old and New worlds and what Dan calls "Globalization 1.0". It is also full of controversy!

Wednesday Dec 09, 2009

Dan's exposure to the idea of "psychohistory" gets him thinking about how children were raised in the past. Could widespread child abuse and bad parenting in earlier eras explain some of history's brutality?

Saturday Oct 10, 2009

In the final episode of the horror story that is the Eastern Front the tale descends into unimaginable darkness as vengeance is called down on Germany. This graphic episode is not for young ears.

Monday Aug 10, 2009

In Part Three of the Ostfront series covering WW2 on the Eastern Front, Dan looks at the situation in the U.S.S.R. during 1942 and early 1943, including the dreadful Battle of Stalingrad.

Wednesday Jun 17, 2009

In Part Two of the Ostfront series covering WW2 on the Eastern Front, Dan looks at the attempt to take Moscow and the many compelling stories surrounding the momentous1941 German offensive.

Sunday Apr 19, 2009

Part One covering the conflict between the Germans and the Soviet Union in the Second World War. Dan gives an introduction to the subject and discusses the causes and opening moves of Operation Barbarossa.

Tuesday Feb 03, 2009

Is slavery a natural feature of human societies? Dan looks at this timeless, evil institution and wonders if we have made as much progress freeing ourselves from its influence as we think we have.

Tuesday Jan 20, 2009

Dan discusses the past, present and future with influential Canadian historian, broadcaster and columnist Gwynne Dyer.

Friday Nov 21, 2008

Dan discusses history with famed historian, political commentator and classicist Victor Davis Hanson.

Thursday Oct 30, 2008

In one of the great displays of resiliency in all history, the Romans refuse to buckle under murderous Carthaginian pressure. Instead they recover, defeat and destroy Carthage, and conquer most of the Mediterranean.

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